
Chrysler Keys
We have experience with all locksmithing needs of Chrysler. We have the technology to create duplicates and even make keys from scratch in the case that all of your keys are lost. If your locks or ignition are not working properly we can fix them to make them work like brand new. If your keys are locked inside, we know how to unlock and open your door without causing any damage.
Metal Replacement Keys
We are knowledgeable in all of the different kinds of keys that Chrysler uses with their vehicles. Our shop is stocked with all of the possible metal key blanks that fit into Chrysler locks and ignitions. If your car was manufactured before 2000, a metal key should be enough to start your vehicle. We can duplicate metal keys in a matter of seconds, and do not need the vehicle present, although we do recommend bringing the vehicle so that you can test the keys right away to ensure that they work.
Remote Head Keys
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We stock OEM remote head keys for most makes and models! Come see us or we can come to you! Remote head keys cut and programmed within minutes in most cases!
Smart Proximity Keys
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As smart proximity keys have become more commonly used in vehicles we have expanded our inventory to match the growing demand!
High Security Remote Flip Keys
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Some newer vehicles use remote key fobs that have laser cut high security keys. We have the specialty equipment to cut and program these in our shop and out in the field!
Transponder Replacement Keys
Vehicles made after 2000 are likely to have an anti-theft system built into the vehicle. These anti-theft systems use an immobilizer that shuts the engine off after a couple seconds if it does not recognize a microchip that is programmed to the system. This added security feature thwarts any attempts at hot-wiring your vehicle, as well as if anyone were to make a copy of your key at a hardware store. In order to create a key that will keep your engine running, you need the proper type of microchip used by the system in your specific vehicle, and you will need it to be programmed so that the ECU in your vehicle recognizes it as a chip that is local to your vehicle. There are two steps to programming a Chrysler microchip. First, you need to read the PIN that is specific to your own vehicle. Every vehicle produced by Chrysler has a PIN built into the system. After reading the PIN, you can begin the programming procedure of the microchip. Using the PIN that you obtained before, you can access the ECU to allow more keys to be recognized.
Smart Proximity Keys
Newer models of Chrysler don’t use key blades at all, and instead rely solely on a smart key system. The egg shaped proximity keys are some of Chrysler’s most common keys. We carry an assortment of all proximity keys, smart keys, and remote head keys that Chrysler uses. We also have the high tech programmers necessary to program them to your vehicle.
Ignition rebuilds
When you start to have trouble turning your key in your ignition, it is a sign that your ignition has started to wear down. When this happens, it does not take long for the ignition to get to a point where it will not turn at all. What then? Well, you call Seattle Locksmith Security of course and we will send a technician to you right away. But if you want to prevent this from happening, we highly recommend getting it taken care of as soon as you notice a difference.

Other Services
If you need to have your locks rekeyed or replaced we are the ones to call! We are also available for lockouts and upgrades!
We specialize in smart access control systems, high security keys, and remote access. Come to us for all of your high tech needs!
Whether you are locked out of your home, car, or office we are here for you! We can even make you new keys from scratch!
Shop Location
3214 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98144
Call Us
(206) 823-2288